The internet helpline is an extension of Support line 179 and aims to offer support to individuals that reach them via telephone on free phone 179 or email 179.appogg@gov.mt
The Hotline is an online reporting system which provides a secure and confidential environment where members of the public can anonymously report websites that host content related to online child abuse. Reports are received through www.childwebalert.gov.mt
Youth Panel
Young people have a right to participate and be involved in decisions and initiatives that concern them. The BeSmartOnline! awareness team rely on children and young people themselves to keep up to date with new trends and also to identify the most effective ways of creating awareness about online safety for children.
Request a Talk

We're dedicated to promoting internet safety and empowering children and young adults with the knowledge and skills to navigate the digital world responsibly.
Our sessions delve into topics such as cyberbullying, fostering healthy online relationships, privacy protection, and more.
Whether you're a school looking to educate students, an organization aiming to raise awareness, or a parent seeking guidance, our talks can be tailored to meet your specific needs.
Get in Touch!
BeSmartOnline! strongly advocates against cyberbullying as we are continuously made aware of how it can greatly affect the victim, leaving a dent in the young person's state of mind, emotional well-being, and behaviour.
The Travellers, in collaboration with our project, managed to vividly capture the trauma cyberbullying can cause in their song Simili. We encourage you to share this message with their song so that it unifies us to take a stand against violence and bullying at school including cyberbullying.
The BeSmartOnline! Project
The project is implemented through a consortium coordinated by the Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS) and brings together the Office of the Commissioner for Children, the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes (DLAP) and the Malta Police Force - Cyber Crime Unit. The consortium is supported by the expertise and experience of a number of strategic partners’ who contribute through a purposely set up Advisory Board.
All partners work together to raise awareness and educate children and teens, parents/carers and educators on the safer use of the Internet. The partners also established and promote www.childwebalert.gov.mt, an online reporting facility for illegal online content, particularly child abuse material and offers support services to respective victims.

Supporting partners